segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

O primeiro carro da filha

Quando a sua filha tem idade certa para dirigir qual o melhor primeiro carro do que um Corvette? Foi assim que o nosso amigo Duane Chamberlain da Flórida resolveu surpreender sua filha Ashtin. Deu a ela de presente um Corvette 1976 mais perfeito que os melhores sonhos dela. Duane nos conta a história e as fotos falam um pouco de como foi o final de semana quando eles deram o carro para a menina. A seguir o texto que o Duane escreveu em inglês original.


My daughter Ashtin always goes to the shows with me and my wife goes occasionally; about a year and ½ ago I started looking and saw many. We were at a show this past year in Naples, FL and a guy had a C3 green in color and my daughter who has always wanted a C3 pointed this one out and said that it would be great if she ever did get one she would want it green. So I looked and looked and one day a guy on one of the vette forums I visit told me about a green C3 on a for sale forum. I saw it but it was in California. After a couple days of correspondence, we purchased the vehicle and then decided to have it transported; we chose open trailer (never again). We got the car and did not look the same but after taking a few days off work and working on the car it looked great. We hid the car for 2 weeks in a neighbor’s garage without her knowing it and worked on it every chance we got. We then contacted a Corvette Club in Bradenton, FL and talked to them about presenting the car during the show to her. Valerie (my wife) drove the car up the night before under the pretense of doing a girls weekend with her friends. The corvette club who seemed to be as excited as we were! The morning of the show my wife got the car to the show about 6am and got its final clean done. My daughter and I w*ere on our way with my ZO6 and would be there around 7am. They positioned her vette in the center area of the lot out front....which was really cool because when we drove in my daughter says look a C3 that is my favorite color... I saw it but barely acknowledged. After family started showing up as my daughter and I were final cleaning on my ZO6, my daughter comes up to me and says “what the hell is everyone here for...this is our time".... I laughed said yeah I know right, I was wanting just to chill myself; I told her not to pay no mind that the sun would get to them and they would leave soon enough. They had a drivers meeting around 10:30am and everyone was gathered around and they called her name (she was texting as usual) and she looked up and was walking up to the announcer, I think she thought she was picking up a trophy (cause she always goes and gets mine). The announcer started reading how proud we are of her and all the stuff and he reached in his pocket and pointed at the car and gave her the keys...SHE JUST SCREAMED! everyone was cheering and clapping... She came running over to us and collapsed in her mom’s arms; The club then pulled this car away from the driver side of my car (monte carlo,,newer) and had her park her C3 next to mine... Very very cool! She had no idea, it was priceless, her legs were shaking and she could not get her composure which is unusual as she is a cheerleader and she is usually real hardcore, upfront and has no problem with crowds,,,, today she was stunned.

Thank you,

Duane Chamberlain II.

O momento da emoção e abraço na mãe e no pai.

Toda a familia junta do Stingray.

Uma historia bem bonita do amor da menina pelo Corvette e dos pais pela sua filha.

6 comentários:

  1. Muito legal!!! Emocionante!!!
    Além de ser um belíssimo carro!!!

  2. Carlos thank you for sharing the story, I hope that everyone can understand my poor writing. Thanks a lot and ZI will remeber this for a very long time.

  3. Duane,

    The story had to be told. Believe me, everyone here understands. You are a great guy and an awesome parent!

  4. Wow! That's a really really nice attitude, Duane!
    I'm far over 100% sure that she will never forget what you did AND the way you did! It'll be something to talk about with her children and grandchildren!
    It's beautiful, congratulations!


  5. A beautiful car for a beautiful young lady.

  6. Thank you everyone for the kind words. That is great!


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